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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Dotenv\Store\File; use Dotenv\Exception\InvalidEncodingException; use Dotenv\Util\Str; use PhpOption\Option; /** * @internal */ final class Reader { /** * This class is a singleton. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @return void */ private function __construct() { // } /** * Read the file(s), and return their raw content. * * We provide the file path as the key, and its content as the value. If * short circuit mode is enabled, then the returned array with have length * at most one. File paths that couldn't be read are omitted entirely. * * @param string[] $filePaths * @param bool $shortCircuit * @param string|null $fileEncoding * * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\InvalidEncodingException * * @return array<string,string> */ public static function read(array $filePaths, bool $shortCircuit = true, string $fileEncoding = null) { $output = []; foreach ($filePaths as $filePath) { $content = self::readFromFile($filePath, $fileEncoding); if ($content->isDefined()) { $output[$filePath] = $content->get(); if ($shortCircuit) { break; } } } return $output; } /** * Read the given file. * * @param string $path * @param string|null $encoding * * @throws \Dotenv\Exception\InvalidEncodingException * * @return \PhpOption\Option<string> */ private static function readFromFile(string $path, string $encoding = null) { /** @var Option<string> */ $content = Option::fromValue(@\file_get_contents($path), false); return $content->flatMap(static function (string $content) use ($encoding) { return Str::utf8($content, $encoding)->mapError(static function (string $error) { throw new InvalidEncodingException($error); })->success(); }); } }