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File "Populator.php"

Full Path: /var/www/lionsclub/core/vendor/fzaninotto/faker/src/Faker/ORM/Doctrine/Populator.php
File size: 3.56 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8


namespace Faker\ORM\Doctrine;

use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Faker\Generator;

 * Service class for populating a database using the Doctrine ORM or ODM.
 * A Populator can populate several tables using ActiveRecord classes.
class Populator
    /** @var int  */
    protected $batchSize;

    /** @var Generator  */
    protected $generator;

    /** @var ObjectManager|null  */
    protected $manager;

    /** @var array  */
    protected $entities = array();

    /** @var array  */
    protected $quantities = array();

    /** @var array  */
    protected $generateId = array();

     * Populator constructor.
     * @param Generator $generator
     * @param ObjectManager|null $manager
     * @param int $batchSize
    public function __construct(Generator $generator, ObjectManager $manager = null, $batchSize = 1000)
        $this->generator = $generator;
        $this->manager = $manager;
        $this->batchSize = $batchSize;

     * Add an order for the generation of $number records for $entity.
     * @param mixed $entity A Doctrine classname, or a \Faker\ORM\Doctrine\EntityPopulator instance
     * @param int   $number The number of entities to populate
    public function addEntity($entity, $number, $customColumnFormatters = array(), $customModifiers = array(), $generateId = false)
        if (!$entity instanceof \Faker\ORM\Doctrine\EntityPopulator) {
            if (null === $this->manager) {
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity manager passed to Doctrine Populator.");
            $entity = new \Faker\ORM\Doctrine\EntityPopulator($this->manager->getClassMetadata($entity));
        if ($customColumnFormatters) {
        $this->generateId[$entity->getClass()] = $generateId;

        $class = $entity->getClass();
        $this->entities[$class] = $entity;
        $this->quantities[$class] = $number;

     * Populate the database using all the Entity classes previously added.
     * Please note that large amounts of data will result in more memory usage since the the Populator will return
     * all newly created primary keys after executing.
     * @param null|EntityManager $entityManager A Doctrine connection object
     * @return array A list of the inserted PKs
    public function execute($entityManager = null)
        if (null === $entityManager) {
            $entityManager = $this->manager;
        if (null === $entityManager) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity manager passed to Doctrine Populator.");

        $insertedEntities = array();
        foreach ($this->quantities as $class => $number) {
            $generateId = $this->generateId[$class];
            for ($i=0; $i < $number; $i++) {
                $insertedEntities[$class][]= $this->entities[$class]->execute(
                if (count($insertedEntities) % $this->batchSize === 0) {

        return $insertedEntities;