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File "Address.php"

Full Path: /var/www/lionsclub/core/vendor/fzaninotto/faker/src/Faker/Provider/fr_CH/Address.php
File size: 4.92 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8


namespace Faker\Provider\fr_CH;

class Address extends \Faker\Provider\fr_FR\Address
    protected static $buildingNumber = array('###', '##', '#', '#a', '#b', '#c');

    protected static $streetPrefix = array('Rue', 'Rue', 'Chemin', 'Avenue', 'Boulevard', 'Place', 'Impasse');

    protected static $postcode = array('####');

     * @link https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Villes_de_Suisse
    protected static $cityNames = array(
        'Aarau', 'Aarberg', 'Aarburg', 'Agno', 'Aigle VD', 'Altdorf', 'Altstätten', 'Appenzell', 'Arbon', 'Ascona', 'Aubonne', 'Avenches',
        'Baden', 'Bad Zurzach', 'Bâle', 'Bellinzone', 'Berne', 'Beromünster', 'Berthoud', 'Biasca', 'Bienne', 'Bischofszell', 'Boudry', 'Bourg-Saint-Pierre', 'Bremgarten AG', 'Brigue', 'Brugg', 'Bulle', 'Bülach',
        'Cerlier', 'Châtel-Saint-Denis',
        'Coire', 'Conthey', 'Coppet', 'Cossonay', 'Croglio', 'Cudrefin', 'Cully',
        'Delémont', 'Diessenhofen', 'Échallens', 'Eglisau', 'Elgg', 'Estavayer-le-Lac',
        'Frauenfeld', 'Fribourg',
        'Genève', 'Glaris', 'Gordola', 'Grandcour', 'Grandson', 'Greifensee', 'Grüningen', 'Gruyères',
        'Hermance', 'Huttwil',
        'Kaiserstuhl', 'Klingnau',
        'La Chaux-de-Fonds', 'La Neuveville', 'La Sarraz', 'La Tour-de-Peilz', 'La Tour-de-Trême', 'Le Landeron', 'Les Clées', 'Lachen', 'Langenthal', 'Laufon', 'Laufenburg', 'Laupen', 'Lausanne', 'Lenzburg', 'Loèche', 'Lichtensteig', 'Liestal', 'Locarno', 'Losone', 'Lugano', 'Lutry', 'Lucerne',
        'Maienfeld', 'Martigny', 'Mellingen', 'Mendrisio', 'Monthey', 'Morat', 'Morcote', 'Morges', 'Moudon', 'Moutier', 'Münchenstein',
        'Neuchâtel', 'Neunkirch', 'Nidau', 'Nyon',
        'Olten', 'Orbe', 'Orsières',
        'Payerne', 'Porrentruy',
        'Rapperswil', 'Regensberg', 'Rheinau', 'Rheineck', 'Rheinfelden', 'Riva San Vitale', 'Rolle', 'Romainmôtier', 'Romont FR', 'Rorschach', 'Rue',
        'Saillon', 'Saint-Maurice', 'Saint-Prex', 'Saint-Ursanne', 'Sala', 'Saint-Gall', 'Sargans', 'Sarnen', 'Schaffhouse', 'Schwytz', 'Sembrancher', 'Sempach', 'Sion', 'Soleure', 'Splügen', 'Stans', 'Steckborn', 'Stein am Rhein', 'Sursee',
        'Thoune', 'Thusis',
        'Unterseen', 'Uznach',
        'Valangin', 'Vevey', 'Villeneuve', 'Viège',
        'Waldenburg', 'Walenstadt', 'Wangen an der Aare', 'Werdenberg', 'Wiedlisbach', 'Wil', 'Willisau', 'Winterthour',
        'Zofingue', 'Zoug', 'Zurich'

     * @link https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canton_suisse
    protected static $canton = array(
        array('AG' => 'Argovie'),
        array('AI' => 'Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures'),
        array('AR' => 'Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures'),
        array('BE' => 'Berne'),
        array('BL' => 'Bâle-Campagne'),
        array('BS' => 'Bâle-Ville'),
        array('FR' => 'Fribourg'),
        array('GE' => 'Genève'),
        array('GL' => 'Glaris'),
        array('GR' => 'Grisons'),
        array('JU' => 'Jura'),
        array('LU' => 'Lucerne'),
        array('NE' => 'Neuchâtel'),
        array('NW' => 'Nidwald'),
        array('OW' => 'Obwald'),
        array('SG' => 'Saint-Gall'),
        array('SH' => 'Schaffhouse'),
        array('SO' => 'Soleure'),
        array('SZ' => 'Schwytz'),
        array('TG' => 'Thurgovie'),
        array('TI' => 'Tessin'),
        array('UR' => 'Uri'),
        array('VD' => 'Vaud'),
        array('VS' => 'Valais'),
        array('ZG' => 'Zoug'),
        array('ZH' => 'Zurich')

    protected static $cityFormats = array(

    protected static $streetNameFormats = array(
        '{{streetPrefix}} {{lastName}}',
        '{{streetPrefix}} de {{cityName}}',
        '{{streetPrefix}} de {{lastName}}'

    protected static $streetAddressFormats = array(
        '{{streetName}} {{buildingNumber}}',
    protected static $addressFormats = array(
        "{{streetAddress}}\n{{postcode}} {{city}}",

     * Returns a random street prefix
     * @example Rue
     * @return string
    public static function streetPrefix()
        return static::randomElement(static::$streetPrefix);

     * Returns a random city name.
     * @example Luzern
     * @return string
    public function cityName()
        return static::randomElement(static::$cityNames);

     * Returns a canton
     * @example array('BE' => 'Bern')
     * @return array
    public static function canton()
        return static::randomElement(static::$canton);

     * Returns the abbreviation of a canton.
     * @return string
    public static function cantonShort()
        $canton = static::canton();
        return key($canton);

     * Returns the name of canton.
     * @return string
    public static function cantonName()
        $canton = static::canton();
        return current($canton);