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File "Polling.js"

Full Path: /var/www/lionsclub/core/vendor/livewire/livewire/js/component/Polling.js
File size: 2.11 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

import MethodAction from '@/action/method'
import { wireDirectives} from '@/util'
import store from '@/Store'

export default function () {
    store.registerHook('element.initialized', (el, component) => {
        let directives = wireDirectives(el)

        if (directives.missing('poll')) return

        let intervalId = fireActionOnInterval(el, component)

        component.addListenerForTeardown(() => {

        el.__livewire_polling_interval = intervalId

    store.registerHook('element.updating', (from, to, component) => {
        if (from.__livewire_polling_interval !== undefined) return

        if (wireDirectives(from).missing('poll') && wireDirectives(to).has('poll')) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                let intervalId = fireActionOnInterval(from, component)

                component.addListenerForTeardown(() => {

                from.__livewire_polling_interval = intervalId
            }, 0)

function fireActionOnInterval(node, component) {
    let interval = wireDirectives(node).get('poll').durationOr(2000);

    return setInterval(() => {
        if (node.isConnected === false) return

        let directives = wireDirectives(node)

        // Don't poll when directive is removed from element.
        if (directives.missing('poll')) return

        const directive = directives.get('poll')
        const method = directive.method || '$refresh'

        // Don't poll when the tab is in the background.
        // (unless the "wire:poll.keep-alive" modifier is attached)
        if (store.livewireIsInBackground && ! directive.modifiers.includes('keep-alive')) {
            // This "Math.random" business effectivlly prevents 95% of requests
            // from executing. We still want "some" requests to get through.
            if (Math.random() < .95) return

        // Don't poll if livewire is offline as well.
        if (store.livewireIsOffline) return

        component.addAction(new MethodAction(method, directive.params, node))
    }, interval);