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File "90978f7cfc13889b057301de721f6af5129dd120.php"

Full Path: /var/www/lionsclub/core/storage/framework/views/90978f7cfc13889b057301de721f6af5129dd120.php
File size: 9.33 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

$Ourimpact_class = ["rect-c1", "rect-c2", "rect-c1"];
$Leadership_class = ["taking-action", "lion-serve", "lcif-campaign", "serve-through"];
$design_imgs = ["white-line", "blue-line", "white-line"];
$rosehand_bg = ["rosehand.png"];
$ourevent_bg = ["ourevent-bg.png", "verticle-yellow-line.png"];

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// dd($ourimpact_contents);

// dd($ourimpact_title);
$Ourimpact_class = ["rect-c1", "rect-c2", "rect-c1"];
$Leadership_class = ["taking-action", "lion-serve", "lcif-campaign", "serve-through"];
$design_imgs = ["white-line", "blue-line", "white-line"];
$rosehand_bg = ["rosehand.png"];
$ourevent_bg = ["ourevent-bg.png", "verticle-yellow-line.png"];
// dd($Leadership_contents);
// title_en details_en file_en link_url
// dd($Leadership_contents);

$heading1 = $ourimpact_contents[0]['title_en'];
$heading2 = $ourimpact_contents[1]['title_en'];
$heading3 = $ourimpact_contents[2]['title_en'];

$photo1 = $ourimpact_contents[0]['file_en'];
$photo2 = $ourimpact_contents[1]['file_en'];
$photo3 = $ourimpact_contents[2]['file_en'];

$content1 = $ourimpact_contents[0]['details_en'];
$content2 = $ourimpact_contents[1]['details_en'];
$content3 = $ourimpact_contents[2]['details_en'];

$link1 = $ourimpact_contents[0]['link_url'];
$link2 = $ourimpact_contents[1]['link_url'];
$link3 = $ourimpact_contents[2]['link_url'];

$string_count1 = str_word_count($content1);
$string_count2 = str_word_count($content2);
$string_count3 = str_word_count($content3);
// moved this function to the controller
function limit_text_ourimpact($text, $limit)

  if (str_word_count($text, 0) > $limit) {
    $words = str_word_count($text, 2);
    $pos   = array_keys($words);
    $text  = substr($text, 0, $pos[$limit]) . '...';
  return $text;


<!-- Our Impact start-->
<section class="ourimpact-sec">
  <div style="padding-top: 10px;padding-bottom: 35px;color: white;" class="home-title aos-init aos-animate" data-aos="fade-down">
    <span><img src=<?php echo e(url('uploads/lionsimg/'.$ourevent_bg[1])); ?> alt="img1"></span>
    <?php echo e($ourimpact_title[0]['title_en']); ?>

  <div class="container test3a">
    <!-- <p class="sub-inner"><?php echo e($ourimpact_title[0]['details_en']); ?></p> -->
    <ul class="card-main">
      <li class="cards__items">
        <!-- <a href="https://www.lionsclubs.org/en/give-our-focus-areas/youth" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;"> -->
        <a href=<?php echo e($link1); ?> target="_blank" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;">

          <div class="card-sec">
            <div class="card__image card__image--fence" style="background-image: url(<?php echo e(url('uploads/banners/'.$photo1)); ?>)"></div>
            <!-- <div style="background-image: url(<?php echo e(url('uploads/banners/'.$photo1)); ?>)"></div> -->

            <div class="card__contents">
              <div class="card__titles">Foundation of Service</div>
              <h4 style="margin:0px; font-size: 21px;font-weight: 600;"><?php echo e($heading1); ?></h4>
              <p class="card__texts">
              <?php echo limit_text_ourimpact($content1 . '...', 19); ?>
              <!-- <p class="card__texts">Our mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities ...</p> -->
      <li class="cards__items">
        <!-- <a href="https://uplionsserve.org/" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;"> -->
        <a href=<?php echo e($link2); ?> target="_blank" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;">
          <div class="card-sec">
            <div class="card__image card__image--river" style="background-image: url(<?php echo e(url('uploads/banners/'.$photo2)); ?>)"></div>
            <div class="card__contents">
              <div class="card__titles2">Heart of Service</div>
              <h4 style="margin:0px; font-size: 21px;font-weight: 600;"><?php echo e($heading2); ?></h4>
              <p class="card__texts">
              <?php echo limit_text_ourimpact($content2 . '...', 19); ?>
              <!-- <p class="card__texts">We are a world leader in the effort to prevent avoidable blindness, and diligently working with Lions clubs and local partners...</p> -->
      <li class="cards__items">
        <!-- <a href="vision-2" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;"> -->
        <a href=<?php echo e($link3); ?> target="_blank" class="cards_a" style="color: #000;">
          <div class="card-sec">
            <div class="card__image card__image--record" style="background-image: url(<?php echo e(url('uploads/banners/'.$photo3)); ?>)"></div>
            <div class="card__contents">
              <div class="card__titles3">Celebrating 20 Years</div>
              <h4 style="margin:0px; font-size: 21px;font-weight: 600;"><?php echo e($heading3); ?></h4>
              <p class="card__texts">
              <?php echo limit_text_ourimpact($content3 . '...', 19); ?>
              <!-- <p class="card__texts">In 2002, LCIF and Johnson & Johnson Vision co-founded Sight For Kids, the largest-known school-based eye health program ...</p> -->
<!-- Our Impact End--><?php /**PATH /var/www/lionsclub/core/resources/views/frontEnd/home/ourimpact-sec.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>